I get my musical inspiration from many different places, and as far as inspiration goes Chick Corea has never ceased to inspired me.
I’ve had a love for many of his albums and various lineups. I was listening to Light as a Feather by Return to Forever this morning and when “Spain” came on… well there’s something special about that song for me.
Some day, I hope to possibly play it live in some kind of format… only time will tell!!
So watching this video and having him talk about how to improve one’s sense of rhythm on the piano it’s easy to see how this advise also applies to the drum kit.
I’ve always thought of… ok, maybe not always… but I’ve thought of drumming like “dancing”. When I’ve played various shows, dances, bars…etc. If the beat permits people get up and dance.
And I’m actually dancing.. I’m just sitting down doing it.
There is a tight relationship between rhythm and movement and to practice one is to practice the other. I remember years ago I’d try to learn new “beats” as a kid and I would focus on the sounds and not at all on the movement. As soon as I started to think about the movement and how the movement produces the sound, well, it was like a different way of hearing or interpreting the rhythms and the music I was hearing.
I love Chick Corea. (I’ve often thought of trying to learn piano, this desire is at least partially inspired by you Chick)
And I love the drums.